Irish Summer Go Cup – Round 6

And here it comes, the round 6 of the Cup with two very tense games.
On Board 1 Niallgo was fighting to extend his winning streak from 3 to 4 games in a row. The game started very well for him with an attack on the left side of the board but White ended up alive and in sente and then captured a big group of stones on the top right. After that, Niall managed to complicate the situation and revive part of his stones but it prooved not enough to catch up.
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On the other board a massive performance from Stephen against Tibi with four stones of difference in theory. The game was very interesting with Tibi going for a mini-mini-chinese and white trying some AI counter. Stephen ended up attacking a black group and building a moyo at the same time. At some point ti seemed that the successful black invasion of the moyo would be enough to catch up but white was still in the lead and a good yose maintained the advantage up to the end.

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Team ANI is now reduced to one player so James Hutchinson is the last hope of the team to win the Cup.
Next games will be on two days as james and Eoghan will play on Monday at 8pm and Stephen and Piotr on Tuesday as usual,
See you there!


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