About the Irish Go Association

The Irish Go Association serves to promote and administer the game of Go in Ireland. The IGA is affiliated to the International Go Federation and the European Go Federation, and represents Irish Go players at the international level. Within Ireland, the IGA organises national championships and the annual Irish Go Congress, provides support for clubs and teachers, liaises with the embassies and federations of the major Go nations, and maintains the IGA website. The IGA is a voluntary organisation.

Who Is the IGA?

The IGA Committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting. The 2024 Committee comprises:

President — Tiberiu Gociu
Secretary — (secretary duties deferred to the president and other committee members)
Treasurer — John Doyle
Committee — Byoung-Ju Lee, Stephen Nulty, Philippe Renaut, Jos Dornschneider-Elkink, Kevin Farrell

For general enquiries, please use our contact form.

Why Should I Join the IGA?

First, to support the game of Go in Ireland. The activities of the IGA are solely funded by member subscriptions. Second, membership is required to compete in the national championships, and to represent Ireland at the international level, among other benefits. For full details on the structure of the championships and international representation, please see the National & International page.

How Can I Join?

The easiest way to join is by heading over to our Membership page and signing up online. Alternatively you can sign up at any Irish tournament, or through your local club. Bank transfer is also possible if preferred  – please contact us for details.

Membership dues are currently €20 annually.

How Can I Get Involved?

We’re glad you asked. The IGA depends on the efforts of enthusiastic volunteers for all its work and the more people involved, the more we can do. Whether you would be interested in helping run the Irish Go Congress, teaching other players, or starting a club in your local area, we welcome your interest. Whether you have a specific project in mind or you just want to help generally, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Follow Us

There are several ways to air views on the running of the IGA, chit-chat with other members, or even post news:

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