1992 Irish Go History

Taken from the 1993 Ranka Yearbook

1992 was a quiet year for Go in Ireland, with very little of note. Noel Mitchell won the Irish Championship and represented Ireland in the 14th WAGC. The winner of the Irish Open was T.Matsumoto 3-dan. Mr Matsumoto is resident in Ireland and a great asset for the improvement of our stronger players.

The Irish Go Association was reconstituted this year after the departure of several of the officers over the last few years, and we are making an effort to reestablish inter-club leagues. Because the biggest club meets regularly with a chess club, most new players have been chess converts. The lack of women players is a continuing problem, and we had to decline an invitation to the Women’s World Amateur Go Championship because our only
candidate declined.

For 1993 we are holding our first handicap tournament and plan to make an effort to host a European Grand Prix tournament. (Report from Noel Mitchell)

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