2006 IGA AGM Minutes



Financial Report

Irish Open 2007

Top 8 Tournament

Becks Tournaments

Irish KGS Open Tournament


  1. Add a permanent section to the IGA website advertising that the club will introduce new people to the game of go every Wednesday evening in the Pembroke.
  2. Decide which international event will be promoted by the IGA by sending a small delegation. Publish the result of this decision on the IGA website.
  3. Investigate which Irish fairs and festivals could be an opportunity to promote the game of go in Ireland. Find out about cost, terms and conditions.
  4. Olivier will produce a draft for a flier introducing the game of go and where/when go can be played in Ireland.
  5. Investigate the possibility to produce an IGA newsletter at regular intervals.
  6. Investigate the possibility to provide game reviews to IGA members.
  7. Organize venue and accommodation for Irish Open 2007
  8. Find volunteers to contact other European/Irish go clubs and invite players to enter the Irish Open 2007.
  9. Add a permanent section to the IGA website to promote the Irish Open 2007 and publish application form online.
  10. Define the rules of the Top 8 qualifiers and publish these rules and dates on the IGA website.
  11. Define rules for the Becks tournament and publish these rules along with tournament dates on the IGA website.
  12. Produce press release and advertising material for the Becks tournament.
  13. Jordi to investigate the possibility to run an Irish Open tournament on KGS.
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