Mentoring Scheme

Hereby announcing the launch of the IGA mentoring scheme.  The idea is that the scheme should act as a kind of clearing-house, putting interested students in touch with willing teachers.  Obviously for this to work, I will need a supply of both.  If you’re interested either in teaching or being taught, please get in touch with me (oldrottenhat at gmail dot com) with the pertinent details – whether you would like to teach, be taught or both: your rank; your contact details and anything else you think might be relevant.

What would be the level of commitment? I’d hope to see teachers and students meeting for a teaching game once a month, either across the board or on one of the servers.  Alternatively, a teacher might review one or two games a month, and generally be available to answer questions and advise on the direction of study.  In large part, how the relationship develops will be up to the two people involved.

Given that this is an experiment, somewhere down the line I will ask everyone participating to give an assessment of how things are working out, and I’d welcome any advice or suggestions about how it should be organised and how it should develop.

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