Up to now, the Committee has been fairly lax about the requiring competitors to inform us when challenges are issued and accepted, and the results of games. Inevitably, this has finally resulted in a problem this week, when a challenge made in good faith had to be voided as illegitimate. The problem has been settled amicably and fairly but in order to avoid similar situations in future we require that all competitors promptly inform the Committee whenever
(a) You issue a challenge.
(b) You accept a challenge.
(c) You play a ladder game.
In fact, we would encourage you to cc the Committee on all emails relating to arrangements for ladder games. This will both enable us to keep the ladder updated and provide an audit trail in the event that you need to refer any challenge to the Committee for adjudication.
We will shortly be setting up a single Ladder Committee email address to make it easier to do this and I will update this post with that address once that is done.
UPDATE: This has now been done. Please copy all ladder-related emails to
ladder at irish-go dot org