Irish Go Congress 2010 update

Registration is now open for the Irish Go Congress, which runs from the 5th – 7th of March. There are discounted entry fees for those who register and pay before March 1st, 2010. The standard entry fee will remain set at €25 for the Open tournament, and €10 for the Rapid. The early registration discount will be €5 for visitors. Irish entrants will receive a €3 discount for either registering early or being a member of the IGA, and a €5 discount if both conditions apply.

To register, email the tournament director, Eoghan Barry, with your name, address, entry rank, and club. Entry fees may be paid by bank transfer, Paypal (, or cheque – please indicate if you want to pay by bank transfer in your email and I will provide you with the necessary bank details. Cheques (in euro only) can be posted to 14 Waterloo Road, Dublin 4, Ireland. If you choose to send cash through the mail, it is entirely at your own risk.

The Open will be a class A tournament for EGF ratings purposes, and will be a level 1 tournament in the Pandanet Go European Cup, the last chance to gain points before the finals in Paris. The prizes will be a minimum of €100 for 1st place and €50 for 2nd, and will be increased if the number of entrants permits.

Gerry Mills will be at the tournament with the BGA bookshop. Gerry carries an enormous range of books, equipment and back issues of Go World, and the current exchange rates make his prices very reasonable.

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