Irish Summer Go Cup – Round 9

High level games again this week with James against Peter and Kevin against Alex.
Both games were very tight even during middle games and decision was very late to arrive.
In James vs Peter game, James took early cash through a skillful attack but Peter managed to create some weak groups to attack and slowly came back. In the end, black got a bit greedy and tried to kill a white group instead of going for a long game and this ended up being his downfall.

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On the other board a very balanced game took place. Alex created a gigantic moyo and Keving jumped deep in trying to exploit the aji. In the end Kevin managed to create a moyo of his own on the other side and then Alex jumped in. Strangely enough after all the invasions and chasing, game was still pretty balanced, and huge yose move were played until a ko started in the last byoyomi of both player leading each player to play their move to the extreme limit of time and unfortunately Alex lost by time. It looked like he was ahead after a mistake due to the time pressure from his opponent.

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Beware the dreaded byoyomi!
Only 6 players left in the Cup now and next week is James vs Kevin and Stephen against me (Philippe)

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