Irish Summer Go Cup – Round 10

Irish Summer Cup is reaching the end, this was the last round before the Semi-Finals! Two teams had only one player left, ANI with James and ChoChiHun with me (Philippe) and had no other choices but to win to keep their team in the Cup.
I started on Monday with a game against Stephen. The game was incredibly tense, very balanced for a long time, with no major mistakes and then massive misread in the last byoyomi period by both players leading to two big kills, the last one being fatal to Stephen

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Second game took place on Tuesday between Kevin (W) and James (B). Both players quickly designed moyo of their own and it was a battle of nerve to who would loose temper dans jump too deeply. None of the players did lost their nerve and the game stayed extremely close again up to the very end with James winning by a tight 1.5pts margin, the kind of game where you want to review each small exchange and check if you could not have swallowed 2pts here and there.
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Now situation is very simple as each team has only their top players left and we enter Semi Final with the following pairing


Game 1

[ Philippe Renaut (B) vs James Hutchinson (W)] 

Game 2

[ Mattei Garcia (B) vs Ian Davis (W)]

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