We had another of our epic Irish vs French Club battle last Sunday, this time against Paris-Aligre.
8 boards, 2 commentators, a lot of fun, some surprises and a final score of 5-3 for Paris-Aligre after a tense ending where all the eyes were on the decisive last game! All the ingredients were here for an exciting Sunday afternoon…
Michele and Roy had some hard luck in their games and gave a head start to Paris 2-0 but soon Peter brought the score back to 2-1 with a clean win. Later Gavin managed the incredible and beat Farid, solid French 5d in an even game to bring the score to 2-2! Tom lost his game by the narrow margin of 1.5pt but Matei lead Ireland back into the gamscore e with a win of his own so there was a nice 3-3 tie.
Unfortunately David and later Christian were too strong in the end and Paris got the final victory.
The games can be found here:
BOARD 1 Farid Ben Malek 5d (Bigslam75) vs Gavin Rooney 2d – GavinRooney
BOARD 2 Julien Maltere 1d (MannFred) – Matei Garcia 1d – rachelp92
BOARD 3 David Nedellec 1d (Flashdan) – Alex Delogu 1k – 32AD
BOARD 4 Samuel Olivaux 3k (Samuel1) – Peter Kasko 4k – kaskai
BOARD 5 Jerome Ladan 6k (Jelad )- Tom Seanachain 4k – seanachain
BOARD 6 Christian Boyart 6k (okapi18)- shinuito – 7k
BOARD 7 Valentin Lecoq-vallon 9k (V.ag )- Roy Palmer 9k – gobi1
BOARD 8 Etienne Ritaly 12k (RascarCapat) – Michele Renaut 10k (Dabulette)
If you want to brush up your french. go to the live comment that can be found on twitch here

Thanks to all players and kibitzers, next Game will be in March against the famous Club of Lyon-Shinogi!
Ireland is still to bring a point home but we can do it!