October Rip-Off Tournament

In honour of John Gibson’s many contributions to Irish go, I present the inaugural October Rip-Off, a one-day tournament in the nation’s capital.

The tournament will take place on October 30th, in the Teachers’ Club. The scene of many great rip-offs in years gone by, the Teacher’s Club is located in Dublin’s city centre, with excellent public transport links. More importantly, the upstairs bar sells thick, creamy pints at perhaps the lowest prices in the city centre — an ideal means of softening up your opponent for your next dazzling coup, the perfect salve if your plans come to naught.

After three rounds of furious competition, we will enjoy a final pint in the upstairs bar before adjourning to a nearby restaurant (probably M & L Sichuan) for dinner, banter, and bitter recriminations.

The nitty-gritty:

Three rounds, McMahon format, handicap of difference in McMahon Score minus one.
Time Limits: 40 minutes main time plus 3 periods of 30 seconds byo-yomi (EGF Class B)
Entry Fee: €10 (payable at sign-in)
Venue: The Teacher’s Club, 36 Parnell Square West, Dublin 1. (Map)
Prizes: Maybe, if I’m feeling generous. Definitely something for the most flagrant rip-off of the tournament.

The schedule:

10.30: Sign-In
11.00: Round One
13.15: Lunch
14.00: Round Two
16.15: Round Three


Email dublin@irish-go.org with your name, entry rank and your EGF PIN (if you have one). Also, let me know if you want to come for dinner afterwards.

If you just rock up on the day without having registered, don’t expect a warm welcome.

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