Gavin Rooney First League Champion

The smoke is clearing after the first season of the IGA League and Gavin Rooney has clawed his way to the top step on the podium. Victory in the second leg of his match against Lu Xinqun gave Gavin a decisive 5–1 record against some of the strongest players in the country.

Further down the table, John Courtney, Peter Kasko, Stephen Nulty, Byoung-Ju Lee, Cris Bratu and Oliver Skocic topped their groups to earn promotion. I will spare the blushes of those who earned relegation, not least because one of them is me.

Aside from the laurels of victory, and the dubious pleasure of harder games next season, the group winners will receive a game review from Antti Tormanen 1p. We will publish the reviews on this website in weeks to come. The Champion will play a live teaching game against Antti — look for announcements here and on Discord when the game is scheduled.

The second season of the League will start in a few short weeks and already the roster is all but full — we have room left for double-digit kyu players only, please contact if you’d like to join up.

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