New Membership Rates In Effect

The new membership rates and classes agreed at the last AGM are now in effect. If you join between now and the end of this year, your membership will continue through to the end of 2023. If you have already paid membership in 2022, you don’t need to do anything at this point — you will receive a renewal reminder late December.

Alongside the Standard membership rate of €20, we offer a Concession rate of €5 for students, the unemployed, and anyone else who would genuinely struggle to afford the standard rate. No explanation or documentation required (but expect a few sidelong glances if you roll up to the Confucius Cup in a new Tesla).

If you’re lucky enough to share your home with other go players, the Household rate of €30 will cover all members in the household — just let the Secretary know who is included when you purchase it.

If you’re confident that you’re in this game for the long haul, consider a Life membership. At €400, it’s not a casual purchase but we’ve already had three takers, even before the new rates went into effect.

For a full rundown of the benefits of IGA membership, check the membership page. Membership is currently at an all-time high, and we hope you’ll all stay with us as we continue to build the game in Ireland.

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