Date Set for AGM

NB post updated to reflect new date.

The Annual General Meeting of the Irish Go Association will take place online, at 8pm Tuesday, March 12th.

The purpose of the meeting is to elect new officers for the coming year, to appoint a new committee, and to discuss and vote on any motions proposed by the membership. Attendance is open to all members of the Association.

Nominations for election to the offices of President, Secretary, and Treasurer are now open. Nominations should be submitted to the Secretary, with the names of the proposer and seconder. The proposer and seconder must be members of the Association in good standing.

Likewise, the full text of motions for discussion should be submitted to the Secretary, along with the names of proposer and seconder.

I will update the draft Agenda with submissions as I receive them. The deadline for all submissions is midnight, March 10th. I will circulate the final Agenda and meeting link in advance of the AGM.

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