Annual General Meeting — March 4th

The Annual General Meeting of the Irish Go Association will take place online, at 8.30pm, Tuesday, March 4th. The main purpose of the meeting is to elect the officers of the Association for the coming year. Members may also propose motions for vote, and there will be opportunity for open discussion of the direction of the organisation. All members are entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.

Nominations for the three officerships (President, Secretary, and Treasurer) should be submitted by email to the Secretary no later than Friday, 28th February. Nominations require a proposer and a seconder; both proposer and seconder must be members of the IGA.

Likewise, motions for vote should include the full text of the motion, and the names of the members proposing and seconding the motion, and should be submitted to the Secretary no later than Friday, 28th February.

The full Agenda and the meeting link will be circulated by email to all members in advance of the AGM.

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