Ireland once again showed who was boss in the European Team Go League tonight. The team staged a magnificent tactical draw over their opponents, Spain. The fine wins on the top boards where balanced by calculated losses on the bottom boards. Ireland’s campaign to promotion continues on its way, in healthy shape.
Author: ian
AGM Report
A report of the ill attended AGM is now online. The EGM is scheduled to coincide with the Top Kick-Off weekend, which should ensure quorum is attained this time around. The IGA constitution may also appear online soon!
11 Oct – EGM
Given the very low turnout at the AGM, it was judged to be inquorate. There will now be an EGM instead, to which more of us will hopefully attend! As a reminder, the IGA is your organisation, and you should take an interest in how it is run. Provisionally planned for November 7th, full details…
8 Oct – Baduk Movies
Every so often a new Go website comes along. Most are short lived, but BadukMovies has been around 6 months ago, and is slowly gathering more followers. I’d like to recommend it as a place to discover little gems of Go Baduk wisdom. It’s two contributors are dutch dan players, at least one of…
6 Oct – Newsletter spotted
NUI Galway have begun producing a newsletter in combination with the chess club there, you can check out the editions here: If anyone is interested in re-starting the IGA newsletter, please contact us.