The World Amateur Go Championship (WAGC) took place in Korea this year, normally it is in Japan. Ireland’s representative this year was John Gibson. Every year the field seems to get stronger, and gone are the days when you could expect mark down an easy victory when you saw that you had been drawn against…
Author: ian
James and the Dragon
The winner of the Intermediate section of the 2014 Irish Correspondence Championship has been decided tonight. James Aitken, who plays at Belfast Go Club, came out on top. He scored 8 wins out of 9, losing only to Julia Bohle, who seemed to grow in strength as the championship progressed. In second place was…
Blast from the Past – 1990
So as I mentioned earlier in the week, John Gibson was kind enough to send me some scans of some old IGA newsletters (2-11). The first batch from 1990 are now uploaded onto the website. Each month, I will be uploading the batch from the next year. In order to complete the set, can anyone lay…
Summer News
Never let it be said that the IGA doesn’t keep its membership up to date with all the latest happenings in the Go world, as well as the gossip. Firstly on the local front, as a reminder to all, the Belfast Open will be taking place mid-August – see tournament page for details. Speaking…
Ireland triumph in League C
Tonight is a historic moment in the history of the game in Ireland. Ours is a long game, in which sacrifices must be made in order to reach the final glorious target of victory. This evening we continued to execute the plan we set in motion from day 1. The road saw defeats against Turkey…