Irish Go Association


Author: James Hutchinson

James leads top 8 after kickoff weekend.

James leads the top 8 with 4/4 after the kickoff weekend. As only 7 players took part, some players had to take a bye. Noel, Steve, and Michael are all tied for second place on 2/3.

Belfast tournament announced

There will be a one day tournament in Belfast on Saturday January 30th. Location : Belfast Boat Club 30mn by player + 2x30s byoyomi
4 rounds
Handicap Swiss tournament Registration : 9-9:15
First round : 9:30-11
Second round : 11-12:30
-lunch break-
Third round : 1:30-3

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Philippe wins Irish championship

In the second game of the Irish championship, Philippe attempted a ninja star fuseki, and defeated James by half a point to claim the title. Game attached here Congratulations to him!

Connaught win interprovincials

Connaught secured their third inter provincial title with a 2-1 victory over Ulster. Congratulations to them.

Karl wins Belfast

Karl Irwin was victorious in the recent Belfast tournament with a perfect 5/5. James Hutchinson was second. His seventh year in a row to make the top 3 without winning. In third place was visiting Louise Roullier from France. Full results to follow.

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