Irish Go Association


Author: olivier

Top8: Brian beats Olivier

Last Wednesday, Brian (white) beat Olivier by resignation. This result has been added to the 2008 Championship table.

Top8 Result: Noel beats Olivier

Last Wednesday, Noel (black) beat Olivier by resign. This result has been added to the 2008 Championship table.

1st Galway Go Tournament

The Galway Go Club announces the details about their first go tournament which will take place on the 5th of April 2008.
See this page for more details.

Galway Go Club Announces their First Tournament

The Galway Go Club is pleased to announce their first Galway Go Tournament which will take place at the Bridge Club in Galway City on the 5th of April.
The tournament will consist of 3 rounds. To find out more about the event or pre-register, please contact Claas Roever:
Claas dot Roever at…

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January 2008 Micro Tournament Results

The first ever IGA micro tournament took place in the Pembroke on the 30th of January and proved to be a great success with 16 participants.
The final ranking is as follows:

  • 1: Olivier Deme
  • 2: Julien Renaud
  • 3: Thomas Palud
  • 4: Mark Webb
  • 5: Pierre / Romain Esnay

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