Irish Go Association


Author: olivier

2007 Belfast Go Tournament

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Go tournament which will take place for the first time in Belfast on Saturday the 13th of October. The number of entries being limited, you will need to pre-register by email as soon as possible.
Check the following page for more information: Read More

The IGA announces the 2008 Irish Go Congress.

The IGA is delighted to announce the dates and venue for the 2008 Irish Go Congress. The event will run from Friday evening 29th of February till Sunday afternoon 2nd of March at the usual venue (Teacher’s Club on Parnell Square in Dublin City Centre). For a list of programmed events and registration details,…

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Top 8 Result

Last Wednesday Noel beat Brian in their Top8 game.
This result has been reflected in the 2007 Championship Table.

WAGC Game Record – Round 7

In round 7 of the WAGC, Noel played against Luxembourg. The game record is available for download.

Korea Points

The rules for Korea points and an updated Korea points table are now available on this site.

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