Terence (black) won his Top8 game against Claas last Saturday.
This result has been reflected in the 2007 Championship Table.
Author: olivier
Top 8 Result
Training Game: Greece vs Ireland
John Gibson came up with the idea of a training game between Greece and Ireland. He acted as Captain for the Greek side, Ian captained the Irish side. Moves were made on a democratic basis. Whoever received the most votes won, when there was a tie, the strongest players choice won. The game was played…
Noel Games from WAGC 2007
Here are the SGF files for some of the games played by Noel at the WAGC. Feel free to review the games and send me the SGF file updated with your comments and I will upload them on this site. Round 1: Noel Vs H. Araki (Morocco)
Round 3: Noel Vs…
WAGC Game Reviews Wednesday 20th of June
Noel has kindly offered to review his games played recently at the WAGC.
Everybody is invited to join and comment.
Where: Pembroke Pub, Pembroke Street, Dublin 2.
When: Wednesday 20th of June at 8PM.