Irish Go Association


Author: olivier

Irish Go Congress 2007 – Results!

Dear Go Friends, The Irish Go Congress was once again a great success with the best attendance ever! Twenty seven players took part in our fun (yet serious!) Rapid Tournament, which saw Roman Pszonka emerging as a convincing winner with 5 consecutive wins. The Irish Open was also very exciting with 47 players, representing 15…

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Top8 Result: Noel Beats Ian

Noel (playing black) played against Ian last night and won by 11.5 points, following a better opening and maintaining his advantage throughout the game.
This result is reflected in the Irish Championship result table.

Top8 Result: Terence Beats Olivier and Brian

Terence shone yesterday by managing two consecutive victories in his games against Olivier and Brian, in one evening! This result is reflected in the Irish Championship result table.

Top8 Result: Ian Beats Terence

After playing a promising opening, Terence had to resign following intense fighting during the middle game. Ian vs Terence Game Record This result is reflected in the Irish Championship result table.

Japanese Embassy Contribution to the Irish Open

The IGA is delighted to announce that the Japanese Embassy has kindly offered to contribute to the Irish Open by providing the new Japanese Ambassador’s Cup. The Ambassador’s Cup marks the 50th Anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Ireland, and will be engraved each year with the name of the event’s champion. This year,…

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