Irish Go Association


1994 Irish Go History

Taken from the 1995 Ranka Yearbook This year was marked mostly by a welcome increase in the number of foreign participants in our open events. The Irish Open, held in March 1994, attracted a total of 25 players, including ten dan players, making it the largest and strongest tournament ever held in Ireland. The winner…

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1993 Irish Go History

The following is taken from the 1994 edition of Ranka. 1993 showed an increase in membership and activity for the Irish Go Association. Additionally, we were fortunate to welcome many foreign visitors throughout the course of the year. One highlight was the visit of the professional player Hirano Masaaki 6-dan, who played simultaneous games for…

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1992 Irish Go History

Taken from the 1993 Ranka Yearbook 1992 was a quiet year for Go in Ireland, with very little of note. Noel Mitchell won the Irish Championship and represented Ireland in the 14th WAGC. The winner of the Irish Open was T.Matsumoto 3-dan. Mr Matsumoto is resident in Ireland and a great asset for the improvement…

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1991 Irish Go History

Taken from the 1992 Ranka Yearbook Go in Ireland continued to grow in 1991, with clubs now meeting regularly and an increasing number of foreign visitors making contact. The visit of Mr. Akihiro Kumagai, amateur 5-dan, from Japan to Dublin for a month provided many instructive games and an opportunity to assemble some of the…

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Irish Go History 1990

Taken from the 1991 Ranka Yearbook Ireland is the newest member of the IGF, having been accepted in 1990. While there have been scattered individuals playing Go for over ten years, it wasn’t until 1989 that any attempt was made to form real clubs and organize an Irish Go Association. The impetus for this organization…

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