We had another of our epic Irish vs French Club battle last Sunday, this time against Paris-Aligre. 8 boards, 2 commentators, a lot of fun, some surprises and a final score of 5-3 for Paris-Aligre after a tense ending where all the eyes were on the decisive last game! All the ingredients were here for…
James & Ruari win the Rengo
2 additional tiebreak rounds were required to declare a winner. Final standings were as follows: Tie break round 2 James & Ruari bt Matei & Niall
Tie break round 1 Matei & Niall bt Graham & Clara James & Ruari bt Peter & Stephen
2 wins James & Ruari, Graham & Clara, Matei & Niall…
Irish Winter rengo/pair go entries now open
Entries are now open for the Irish Winter Rengo/Pair go championships
To enter, please email james8hut A@T hotmail D.O.T com stating rank, preferred partner, and whether you’re willing to play in December. If you don’t have a partner, I’ll find you one. If you think you’re not strong enough to enter, slap yourself in…
Ireland vs Grenoble – How it happened…
This Monday took place a fabulous event : the first of a set of Friendly Team Matches between Ireland and some famous French clubs! We had the extreme honour of having a live comment of the 11 games by GoPro Yeon Woo, Korean 2p from Korea who is both a fab player and a very…
Ireland vs France – Round 1 Club de Grenoble
Hi everyone, I am very excited to announce the launch of a set of Friendly Team Games between Ireland and French clubs! To trigger this set of games, we start with an absolutely unique event this Monday 9th of November at 8pm Irish time :
a 11 simultaneous boards competition reviewed live by the amazing Korean…