Ruari McCloskey defeated Shinuito by resignation to finish with a perfect record of four wins from four games in Division C of the 2020 Correspondence Championship. Although several games remain unfinished, Philippe’s win over Noel means that Philippe will go undefeated in Division A. Therefore the final result of the 2020 Correspondence…
Clubs Closed, Play Online
With the pubs closed due to the Covid-19 outbreak, there will be no club meetings for the foreseeable future. In the meantime, let’s meet online — there will be a session tonight, and subsequent Wednesday nights, in the Ireland room on KGS. If you prefer the more recondite pleasures of heckling and criticising players…
A Lot Done, More to Do
As you’ll have noticed, this website has had something of a facelift in the last few days. Massive thanks to Niall Tuohy for undertaking the task of writing a new WordPress theme for the IGA. The job does not end here — many of the pages on the site contain old and outdated information. Over…
2020 Top8 – Behind the scene
This year the Top8 was a very successful tournament. Attracting more than 16 candidates, it had to go through an unusual process of qualification games.
The quality of the tournament was achieved thanks to some great organisation, or should I say a great organizer; the one and only Eoghan Barry.
The pool phase for qualifications was…
AGM 2020 announced
The 2020 AGM will be held after the Irish Open prizegiving ceremony on Sunday 1st March in the playing hall. IGA members are invited to submit motions for discussion. Please send to Carol at