Matei Garcia won the second game in the 2019 National Championship series, beating James Hutchinson by 6.5pts and forcing a third game to settle the title. The final game is provisionally scheduled for December 14th.
Irish Go Congress 2020
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are more than pleased to announce that the Irish go Congress will be back once again in 2020, hopefully even bigger and better than last time!.
To commemorate that 2020 is a leap year, what better date to have the Congress on than the 29th of February?, so save the date for…
First Blood to James
James won the first game against Matei in the 2019 Championship series on KGS yesterday. The second match is provisionally scheduled for 3pm, Saturday November 16th in the Ireland room on KGS.
2020 Correspondence Championship
The dust has barely settled on Philippe’s victory in the 2019 championship, but I’m going to open entries for the 2020 Correspondence Championship anyway. In a possibly foolhardy attempt at innovation, I’m going to hold the 2020 tournament on OGS, partly because it’s easy to set tournaments up there, partly because it has a…
2020 Irish National Go Championship
Entries are now open for the 2020 Championship, aka the Top 8. Entry is open to all Irish nationals, and to non-nationals resident in Ireland for a minimum of five years. In addition to determining the Irish Champion, places in the Championship carry points towards representing Ireland at the World Amateur Go Championship. Format The…