Irish Go Association


A letter from Dragon

Congratulations are due to Philippe Renaut, who is this year’s Irish Correspondence Champion, chalking up eight wins in the competition. There was a large tie for second, as Irina, James, and Noel all had seven wins each. The results are on Senseis

Change to KPMC selection

Please be advised that the selection process for the KPMC has changed. See: Korea page

Confucius Cup Final Standings

 Num   Pl   Name   Rank   Co   Club   NbW  R 1  R 2  R 3  R 4  R 5  MMS SOS DC
Kim Young-Sam 8D DE JIGS 5 4+/w0 5+/b0 2+/w0 3+/w0 7+/b0 39 183 0
Lisy Pavol 7D SK Vlky 3 7+/w0 3+/b0 1-/b0 6-/w0 4+/w0 37 185 0
Boviz Dominik 6D HU MGE 3 8+/b0 2-/w0 7+/w0 1-/b0 5+/b0 37 184 0
  Drean-Guenaizia Benjamin 6D FR 83SA 3 1-/b0 8+/w0 6+/w0 5+/w0 2-/b0 37 184 0
Burzo Cornel 7D RO BaMa 2 6+/b0 1-/w0 8+/w0 4-/b0 3-/w0 36 185 0
Pankoke Matias 5D DE OL 2 5-/w0 9+/b0 4-/b0 2+/b0 8-/w0 36 181 0
  Vazquez Oscar 5D ES Nam 2 2-/b0 10+/w0 3-/b0 9+/b0 1-/w0 36 181 0
Labouret Florent 5D FR 38Gr 2 3-/w0 4-/b0 5-/b0 11+/w0 6+/b0 36 179 0
Poltronieri Bruno 3D UK Camb 3 10+/b0 6-/w0 12+/b0 7-/w0 13+/b0 35 170 0
10  10  Marz Manja 3D DE JIGS 1 9-/w0 7-/b0 11-/b0 13+/w0 12-/w0 33 169 0
11  11  Losada Juan_Manuel 1D NO Tron 3 12+/w0 13-/b0 10+/w0 8-/b0 16+/w0 33 163 0
12  12  Ziomko Jakub 1D UK Abrd 3 11-/b0 14+/w0 9-/w0 16+/b0 10+/b0 33 162 0
13  13  Stoehr Marc 1K SE Stoc 3 19+/w2 11+/w0 15+/b0 10-/b0 9-/w0 32 161 0
14  14  Garcia Matei 1K IE Dubl 3 0= 12-/b0 16+/w0 15+/w0 18+/w1 32 150 0
15  15  Damaz Dani 2K FR 06Pe 2 18-/w2 20+/w1 13-/w0 14-/b0 17+/w0 30 151 0
16  16  Roullier Louise 2K FR 92Le 1 20+/w1 18-/w2 14-/b0 12-/w0 11-/b0 29 156 0
17  17  Minjina Dragos 5K RO C361 4 22+/w3 19+/w0 18+/b0 21+/w1 15-/b0 29 140 0
18  18  Barry Eoghan 5K IE Dubl 3 15+/b2 16+/b2 17-/w0 24+/w5 14-/b1 28 141 0
19  19  Gawron Piotr 4K PL Dubl 1 13-/b2 17-/b0 21+/w0 0= 0= 28 138 0
20  20  Rafferty Chris 4K IE Dubl 1 16-/b1 15-/b1 22-/w4 0= 25+/w4 27 135 0
21  21  Gibson John 5K IE Dubl 1 0= 23+/w3 19-/b0 17-/b1 0= 27 132 0
22  22  Elkink Jos 9K IE Dubl 2 17-/b3 24-/w1 20+/b4 25-/w1 27+/w2 23 114 0
23  23  Shinuito 10K IE Mayn 3 25+/b0 21-/b3 0= 27+/w1 24+/w0 23 106 0
24  24  Lam Jacky 12K IE 3 27+/b0 22+/b1 25+/w0 18-/b5 23-/b0 21 108 1
25  25  Tuohy Niall 11K IE Dubl 2 23-/w0 27+/w0 24-/b0 22+/b1 20-/b4 21 108 0
26  26  Plomp Rachel 11K IE Dubl 0 0= 0= 27-/w0 0= 0= 21 95 0
27  27  Cater Arthur 12K IE Dubl 1 24-/w0 25-/b0 26+/b0 23-/b1 22-/b2 19 106 0

OpenGotha 3.48
29-09-2019 16:02

Connaught triumph in Interprovincials

Connaught have won the 2019 interprovincial competition. With a perfect score of 3 wins, they’ve gained their 4th title in 5 years. Congratulations to the Connaught Squad (Philippe, Kevin, and John) and thanks to everyone for taking part.

A day at EGC 2019

The 63rd European Go Congress was held this year in Brussels, just a stones throw from Manneken pis and the Grand Place. Myself and Ian Davis were the only ones playing for Ireland, with participants of all ages from just about every corner of the globe numbering about 800 over two weeks. This was my…

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