Due to ongoing extreme weather conditions the decision has been taken to cancel the Irish Rapid on Friday night.
Travel, even in Dublin itself, is very difficult. A RED weather warning remains in place today. Regarding Saturday and Sunday. The Confucius Cup will no longer be an EGF Grand Prix event, it will still…
Irish Rapid Cancelled
Cold Weather
The weather is always a good course of conversation in Ireland, and it seems that the Confucius Cup will be no exception to that. According to Met Eirann Ireland is going to share in the cold weather that the rest of Europe has been experiencing. Please be prepared for cold temperatures and perhaps some…
AGM Notice
The Annual General Meeting of the Irish Go Association will take place on Saturday the 3rd of March during the Confucius Cup. Read on for the full details…
Irish Championship – Final games
Hi everybody, Noel and Philippe will play the first game of the final of the Irish Championship this Wednesday at 10am on KGS in the Irish room. Let the fight begin! Philippe won first game by resignation : Noel won second game by 23.5 pts
October News
Some news items for October: The Online Go Club is starting up again, this time its members are going to be connected via Discord. The first club meeting should be a venue for some postmortem analysis of the PGETC round 1 games against Kazakhstan.