Ireland’s largest Go and Chinese Chess tournament, The Confucius Cup, will occur next year the weekend of March 3rd-5th 2017. More details to follow soon.
James vs Philippe – Weekly commented games – Game 4
New game is online! A very interesting game to study overall balance.
The flow of the game kept shifting with very difficult positional analysis (at least at our level, may be a 5d would find it quite easy!) and everything was determined about who felt ahead and who played more agressively, a feeling that…
james vs Philippe – Weekly commented games – Game 3
Another game this morning full of fresh coffee flavour… The game was agan very passioante, with an early overplay by Philippe, that triggered a sequence where he finished with a weak group, but then a slow move by James made white come back into the game and taking a progressive clear lead pushing James to…
James vs Philippe – Weekly commented games – Game 2
Yesterday took place the second morning duel between James and Philippe. It was a clear win by James after a bad overplay by Philippe at move 81 and a very safe covering of bad aji by James. There was still some messing around after that but the game was pretty much hopeless for Philippe. See…
James vs Philippe – Weekly commented games – Game 1
The first skirmish took place this morning and was won by ptitlou (Philippe) by resignation after a tense fight and a last tricky multi-step-ko race in byo-yomi for both players. Exciting game for both and thank you to the brave public for coming this early in the morning on KGS to give us support! The…