The latest results of the Confucius Cup Go tournament are available here.
Confucius Cup Update – Friday Evening Rapid Chess & Chinese Chess Tournaments
On Friday evening at the Gresham Hotel, in addition to the Rapid Go tournament, there will be:
- A Rapid (Xiangqi) Chinese Chess Tournament, the format will be 7 rounds, time limits of 5 minutes + 3 seconds.
- A Blitz (Western) Chess Tournament. About 20 players from the Irish Chess Union (ICU) will
Visting Beijing Delegation for Confucius Cup Announced
The following players will be part of a Beijing sporting delegation attending the Confucius Cup event next month: Ms Yingqin You – Professional Chinese Chess Player, Grandmaster, and World Champion
Ms Shuang Yang – Professional 5 Dan Go Player Registration is open for the event occurring the weekend of March 4th-6th, full information is…
IGA Newsletter Archive
A complete archive of IGA newsletters (except for the very first one from 1989!) is available here: Please submit any articles you would like published in our newsletters to secretary (at)
February 2016 Newsletter
John Doyle has written an IGA newsletter which can be viewed here. Please submit any articles you would like published in our newsletters to secretary (at)