Lending Library
The following titles are available for loan to members of the Irish Go Association. The library collection is housed in Dublin. Dubliners can arrange pick-up and return at club meetings. I will post books to members outside of Dublin by arrangement; postage within Ireland should only amount to a couple of euros, but outside of Ireland can be startlingly expensive. Email the Secretary with your loan requests.
Bozulich, Richard — Get Strong at Life and Death (Kiseido)
Bozulich, Richard — The Go Player’s Almanac (Kiseido)
Bozulich, Richard — The Second Book of Go (Kiseido) ON LOAN
Chatterjee, Sanjit & Yang Huiren — Galactic Go, Vol. 1 (Yutopian)
Chatterjee, Sanjit & Yang Huiren — Whole Board Living Tesujis (Yutopian)
Cho Chikun — All About Life and Death Vol. 1 (Ishi Press)
Cho Chikun — All About Life and Death Vol. 2 (Ishi Press)
Cho Chikun — Go: A Complete Introduction to the Game (Kiseido) ON LOAN
Cho Chikun — The Magic of Go (Ishi Press)
Cho Chikun — The 3-3 Point (Ishi Press) ON LOAN
Fujisawa Shuko — Reducing Territorial Frameworks (Kiseido)
Guo Juan — The World of Chinese Go (Kiseido)
Honda Kunihisa — The Great Joseki Debates (Ishi Press)
Ishida Yoshio — All About Thickness (Ishi Press) ON LOAN
Ishida Yoshio — Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Vol. 1 (Ishi Press)
Ishida Yoshio — Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Vol. 2 (Ishi Press)
Ishida Yoshio — Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Vol. 3 (Ishi Press)
Kageyama Toshiro — Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go (Ishi Press)
Kano Yoshinori — Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 1 (Kiseido) ON LOAN
Kano Yoshinori — Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 2 (Kiseido) ON LOAN
Kano Yoshinori — Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 3 (Kiseido)
Kano Yoshinori — Graded Go Problems for Beginners, Vol. 4 (Kiseido)
Kato Masao — The Chinese Opening (Ishi Press)
Kato Masao — Kato’s Attack and Kill (Ishi Press)
Miyamoto, Naoki — The Breakthrough to Shodan (Ishi Press)
Nagahara Yoshiaki & Richard Bozulich — Handicap Go (Ishi Press)
Nie Weiping — Nie Weiping on Go: The Art of Positional Judgement (Yutopian)
Nihon Kiin — A Compendium of Trick Plays (Yutopian)
Nihon Kiin — 100 Challenging Go Problems for 100 Days of Study (Yutopian)
Pratesi, Franco — Eurogo, Vol. 1 (Saggistica Aracne)
Pratesi, Franco — Eurogo, Vol. 2 (Saggistica Aracne)
Pratesi, Franco & Theo van Ees — Periodigo (Multimage)
Sakata Eio — Modern Joseki and Fuseki Vol. 1 (Ishi Press)
Sakata Eio — Modern Joseki and Fuseki Vol. 2 (Ishi Press)
Seo Bong-soo & Jung Dong-sik — Jungsuk in Our Time (Hankuk Kiwon)
Shuzo, Ohira — Appreciating Famous Games (Ishi Press)
Takagawa Shukaku — The Power of the Star Point (Ishi Press)
Takeo Kajiwara — The Direction of Play (Kiseido) ON LOAN
Wu Piao & Yu Xing — The Art of Connecting Stones (Yutopian)
Yoon Youngsun — Think Like a Pro: Haengma (Oromedia) ON LOAN
Yoon Youngsun — Think Like a Pro: Pae (Oromedia) ON LOAN
Yoon Youngsun — 100 Tips for Amateur Players, Vol. 1 (Oromedia)