Online Interprovincials 2024

Previous competitions here


– Japanese Rules

– 60 minutes maintime with byoyomi 30 seconds 5 times

– no handicap please Nigiri for colours


– The event will be run as an all play all tournament.

– Each team should have 3 players, but feel free to substitute new players into your line up if necessary

– Matches to be played on the given time and date. If a change is required please arrange to play in the week before the given date.

– The board order for each team should be by ranks, strongest rank at the top, weakest rank at the bottom.

– In the event of a tie on number of wins, board points will be used as a tie breaker. If that’s even, wins on board 1. If that’s even, board points on board 2.


3 Wins: Connaught

1 Win: Ulster

1 Win: Munster

1 Win: Leinster

Ulster, Munster, and Leinster all had the same number of Match wins, board points, and number of wins on board 1. Ulster had 2 wins on board 2, Munster 1 win, and Leinster 0 wins.

So using the number of wins on board 2 as a tiebreaker, Ulster come second, Munster come third, and Leinster fourth.

Current Squads

Captains are marked with a © symbol

Connaught Leinster Munster Ulster
Philippe Renaut ©(2297) John Courtney (2145) Stephen Nulty (1956) James Hutchinson ©(2194)
Kevin Farrell (1954) Matei Garcia (2129) Cian Synnott (1949) Ian Davis (2179)
Tom Kong (1340) Peter Kasko (1883) Larion Syrotkin (1316) Dewei Liu (2085)
Connaught Niall Tuohy (1733) Munster Tiberiu Gociu (1652)
Connaught Byoung-Ju Lee (1716) Munster Ruari McCloskey (1642)

Round 1 July 2nd 8pm

Munster v Leinster

Ulster v Connaught

Ulster 1-2 Connaught game
James 0-1 Philippe C+2.5
Ian 0-1 Kevin C+R
Dewei 1-0 Tom U+R
Munster 1-2 Leinster game
Stephen 0-1 John L+0.5
Cian 1-0 Peter M+R
Larion 0-1 Niall L+24.5

Round 2 July 23rd 8pm 

Munster v Ulster

Leinster v Connaught

Munster 2-1 Ulster game
Stephen 1-0 James M+R
Cian 0-1 Dewei U+R
Larion 1-0 Ruari M+11.5
Connaught 2-1 Leinster game
Philippe 1-0 Matei C+R
Kevin 1-0 Niall C+7.5
Tom 0-1 Byoung-Ju L+59.5

Round 3 – Aug 13th 8pm 

Munster v Connaught

Leinster v Ulster

Munster 1-2 Connaught game
Stephen 0-1 Philippe C+R
Cian 0-1 Kevin C+5.5
Larion 1-0 Tom M+R
Ulster 2-1 Leinster game
James 1-0 John U+R
Dewei 1-0 Matei U+R
Ruari 0-1 Niall L+12.5

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