Just a quick reminder that the deadline for entries for the 2021 Correspondence Championship is midnight, this Sunday, February 7th. To enter, just email eoghanbarry at outlook dot com with your OGS username. See the post linked above for more details.
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Ici, c’est Paris!
We had another of our epic Irish vs French Club battle last Sunday, this time against Paris-Aligre. 8 boards, 2 commentators, a lot of fun, some surprises and a final score of 5-3 for Paris-Aligre after a tense ending where all the eyes were on the decisive last game! All the ingredients were here for…
Top 8 — Round 1
With the qualifying rounds complete, Roman Pszonka, Piotr Gawron, Thomas Shanahan and Peter Kasko have advanced to join Matei Garcia, James Hutchinson, Alex Delogu and Michael Thai in the Top 8. The draw for the first round of the double elimination is: Matei Garcia (superhonte) vs. Michael Thai
Roman Pszonka (romanp) vs. Piotr Gawron (pgaw)
James Hutchinson…
Top 8 — Qualifying Round 2
When the dust settled last night, the following warriors advanced to the second qualifying round for the Top 8: John Gibson, Stephen Flinter, John Courtney, Piotr Gawron, Peter Kasko, and Tom Shanahan. The pairings for the second round are: G: Roman Pszonka (romanp) vs. John Courtney (JohnCourtn)
H: Ian Davis (javaness) vs. Piotr Gawron (pgaw)
I: John…
Correspondence Championship — Entries Open
For those of you who prefer something a little more laidback than the sturm und drang of the Top 8, may I present the 2021 Correspondence Championship? Same deal as last year, this tournament is open to anyone who is Irish, has ever lived in Ireland, is married or otherwise related to someone Irish, or…